Gracie and Zeus Live the Dream wins the BIBA for Mystery!
We’re excited to announce that Gracie and Zeus Live the Dream has won the Best Indy Book Award!
Gracie and Zeus Live the Dream is a funny romcom/cozy mystery featuring a struggling music journalist and her neurodivergent adult foster son. Follow their award-winning adventures as they try to launch their careers, find love, and stay alive in the L.A. music scene. If only they could learn never to drink the electric Kool-Aid at Hollywood raves…
Something to Read!
Elizabeth Roderick writes in a variety of genres, from romcoms that are ACTUALLY FUNNY and ACTUALLY ROMANCE, to books that take a turn for the dark. Her characters tend to be of the type that society usually shuns: the houseless, the addicted, the neurodivergent. Her books will give you a reason to like them and acknowledge their humanity.