Do You Need an Editor?

If you are on the fence about whether you should hire an editor, I have an article discussing some of the pros and cons here. Whatever your ultimate decision, thank you for considering me!

Who I Am as an Editor

I am a U.S. editor, and I use the Chicago Manual of Style.

I have many years of experience as a writer, editor, contest judge, critiquer, and back-cover-blurb writer. I read widely, write widely, and edit widely…at this point, there aren’t many genres I haven’t edited, except picture books. I really shine as a developmental editor, but my proofreading skills aren’t too shabby.

I love my job! Editing is fun, and I love getting a chance to read your stories.

I provide a full range of editing services:

Full Manuscript Packages

Substantive/Developmental Editing

This editing package includes a full manuscript review with in-line notes and an editorial letter. I give my observations and critiques with regard to plot, pacing, structure, character development, and world-building. I may do minor line edits and proofreading but will not concentrate on them. THIS IS NOT A COPY EDIT. After any developmental editing, you will generally need a copy edit before you go to press if you are self-publishing.

Fee: $0.01 per word. Includes a free query critique.

Copy Editing/Proofreading
I don’t generally provide proofreading-only services unless you have already worked with me, or another editor, on developmental editing. I know myself, and it’s really difficult for me to resist giving advice if it’s needed. However, if your manuscript is ready, I will work with you on proofreading.

Fee: $0.008/word.

Query Critique Only
I will critique your query, make edits, and give suggestions on how you might improve it.

Fee: $50. Includes free re-review after you have implemented any changes.

Synopsis Critique
I will critique your synopsis, make edits, and give suggestions on how you might improve it.

Fee: $50. Includes free re-review after you have implemented any changes.

Twitter Pitch Review/Crafting
I will look over your Twitter pitch, logline, or elevator pitch and give critiques and suggestions.

 Fee: $45. I will need your query and synopsis in order to provide this service. If you’d like me to critique those, as well, I will provide all three services as a package for $75 

Strong Beginnings

Beginnings are difficult, but so important. You only have a few lines, or maybe a page, to hook agents, editors, or readers. But, since we’re so immersed in our story and characters, it’s so difficult to know whether we’re drawing readers in effectively without leaving them feeling ungrounded. I can help! I even have experience working with “difficult” characters and worlds, which have to be introduced gently so as not to leave readers out in the cold.

First Ten Pages
In-line notes, proofreading, line-editing, and an editorial letter. I give my observations and critiques with regard to plot, pacing, structure, character development, and world-building.

 Fee: $50

(Note: if you want me to edit your first chapter, I’ll do the first 10 pages for $50, and $4.00/page thereafter.)

First Fifty Pages
In-line notes, proofreading, line-editing, and an editorial letter. I give my observations and critiques with regard to plot, pacing, structure, character development, and world-building.

 Fee: $220

Authenticity/Sensitivity Reading

If you want help in developing your character and making them more realistic, I provide authenticity reads for autism, bipolar, psychosis, PTSD, and addiction, as well as circumstances such as homelessness and abuse.

Fee: $800 for the first 100k words; $150 for each 25k words (up to and including) after that.

Translation: Spanish to English Only

Yes! I do translation! I have 30 years of experience with Spanish to English translation, and my extensive knowledge of the craft of writing (I’ve written 18 full-length novels, as well as countless short stories and a memoir) makes me uniquely positioned to give your translation the artistic eye it deserves.

I do not do English to Spanish manuscript translation.

Fee: varies. Contact me to discuss.

Please contact me at elizabethroderick [at] att [dot] net for more information, references, scheduling, or for your free two-page edit (on full manuscript editing or sensitivity reading packages), or free one-page translation (for full manuscript translation).